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How to lauch a java project
07/04/21 03:26


Replies: 5

Good morning, probably this is a silly question but I can't find how to launch my first java application in genexus. I have tomcat installed (with xampp), it is responding but when I run the project I have a 404 error. Do i have to write something on servlet directory? I tried C:\xampp\Tomcat\webapps but it's not working. Some other options? Environment variables? I don't know tomcat so maybe i got something wrong. What should I check?
Nicola Pilli
Sviluppo Software
[virgola25 Midi]
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08/04/21 07:10
Hi Nicola, I wouldn't recommend installing XAMPP to develop with GeneXus, you just need the JDK, Tomcat and eventually the DBMS, I think MySQL in your case. Once the software is up and running, GeneXus will complete the options (compiler, application server, etc) when a *new* KB is created. It's very important to create the KB *after* the base software is installed. Here you have the software and hardware requirements. Regards, Leandro On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 12:01 PM Nicola Pilli


09/04/21 06:46
Thanks, but it’s still not working I installed Tomcat 9, it’s running as I can see its home page, xampp is down, java installed and I created the kb. But when I try to launch (only an empty webpanel) I get this error [Immagine che contiene testo Descrizione generata automaticamente] As I said, probably I’m missing some setting. Servlet directory is still empty. Maybe genexus is missing some configuration? Nicola Pilli Sviluppo Software [virgola25 Midi] [Descrizione: Descrizione: RTS 1989 Mail] E T 0758010260 F 0758011789 W ================================================================================== Per favore pensa all'ambiente prima di stampare questa mail (o altro documento) Please consider the environment before printing this mail (or this document) ================================================================================== Le informazioni contenute in questa comunicazione e negli allegati sono riservate; è vietato a soggetti diversi dall'effettivo destinatario qualsiasi uso, copia, diffusione di quanto in essi contenuto, sia ai sensi dell'articolo 616 c.p., sia ai sensi e per gli effetti del T.U. sulla privacy (D.lgs 196/2003). Qualora il presente messaggio Vi fosse pervenuto per errore, dovrete provvedere alla sua immediata cancellazione dandocene notizia via e-mail all'indirizzo del mittente o all'indirizzo This e-mail and any attachment(s) are strictly confidential. This message must not be copied, disclosed or used by anybody other than the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), please inform the sender by e-mail or send a message to and destroy this message immediately Da: Leandro Minatel Inviato: giovedì 8 aprile 2021 12:10 A: Foro Java Genexus Oggetto: Re: [java-l] How to lauch a java project Hi Nicola, I wouldn't recommend installing XAMPP to develop with GeneXus, you just need the JDK, Tomcat and eventually the DBMS, I think MySQL in your case. Once the software is up and running, GeneXus will complete the options (compiler, application server, etc) when a new KB is created. It's very important to create the KB after the base software is installed. Here you have the software and hardware requirements. Regards, Leandro On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 12:01 PM Nicola Pilli >


09/04/21 08:04
Ok, assuming your web application name is "*TestJava16U11JavaEnvironment*" and you're using *Tomcat 9*, then complete the properties in GX this way: *Servlet directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\TestJava16U11JavaEnvironment\WEB-INF\classesStatic content directory seen from client: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\TestJava16U11JavaEnvironment\staticCompiler path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.9\bin\javac.exeInterpreter path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.9\bin\java.exe* I'm using Java 11 here, you have to put your Java installation paths. Then, open a cmd shell, navigate to C:\Models\TestJava16U11\JavaModel\web directory an run the "createwebapplication.bat" script: *C:\Models\TestJava16U11\JavaModel\web> createwebapplication.bat "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0" TestJava16U11JavaEnvironment 9.0 false false false LayoutMetadata 11 true* The script is explained in the Wiki:,Manually%20configuring%20Tomcat#In+GeneXus+15+Upgrade+12+or+higher Once the script ends, perform a Rebuild All. Regards, Leandro On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 7:01 AM Nicola Pilli

Martín Merello

09/04/21 08:16
Hi Nicola, You may not have to write paths: place the mouse over the name of each property, right click and select "Use default value". Then, follow Leandro instructions. Regards, [cid:image001.png@01D72D18.A5A3A7F0] Lic. Martín Merello Informática Gramón Bagó de Uruguay S.A. Av. Joaquín Suárez 3359 - C.P. 11700 · Montevideo, Uruguay Tel. +598 2200 4611 int. 193 - Fax +598 2200 1742 [cid:image002.png@01D72D18.A5A3A7F0] [cid:image003.png@01D72D18.A5A3A7F0]


09/04/21 08:40
Thank you Martín! I didn't know that tip. On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 8:32 AM Martín Merello

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